Meeting Information
Saturday, 11:00 am to 12:15 pm
- In-person
- Online
- Closed
Closed meetings are for A.A. members only, or for those who have a drinking problem and “have a desire to stop drinking.”
We are a Hybrid meeting, both in Person and on Zoom.
We deep dive into the 12 and 12 each week in our shares.UPDATE:
To connect to Zoom use the meeting ID and Pass or the the link below:
Zoom ID: 874 6098 5722
Passcode: 260967UPDATE:
One tap mobile Canada
+16473744685,,87460985722#,,,,*260967#Find your local number:
tel:+1 647 558 0588
tel:+1 647 374 4685
Meeting ID: 874 6098 5722
Passcode: 260967 -
Online Meeting
Join with Zoom -
This listing is provided by:
Halton Service Office
Oakville, ON, CA
+19058455900 aahalton.orgUpdated 11/18/2024
The Church of the Incarnation
1240 Old Abbey Ln
ON L6M 3Y4
(just west of Dorval Drive)